Thursday, January 15, 2009

American Idol week 1

First I would like to say to anyone reading this or future blogs about the show. This is a personal opinion blog. Anything said on here is for the single purpose of the enjoyment of the show. If you don’t happen to like what I have written here you don’t have to read it, also if you are one of the people mentioned on this blog and you don’t like it then may be you should not have tried out. With that said… I have to ask the question what or who do you think was funnier during week 1 auditions? Was it the guy with the huge fro; the next “Axel Rose”; the guy who sang like he had inhaled a helium balloon before he sang; the guy with “chicken dancing” legs; the next “Elvis Presley” or the “dancing banana guy”? May be you feel guilty by laughing at the off key notes sung or the fact of the begging or the getting removed from the voting room by security guards, or the clip of the screaming and crying outbursts when contestants are told they don’t have the “IT” factor? Personally I like it when the judges just loose all composure and crack up laughing. If you have watched prior seasons you know that every season there is one person who auditions and does not get through but is brought back up; will we Michael the Sandwich Maker, again? How I see it is people are begging for 5 minutes of fame, even if it makes them look ridiculous. To those who made us laugh, thanks!
My next question is what were they thinking? Why do people feel that when they audition they have to ing a gimmick or act like an idiot to be in the competition? One of these of these types of over-auditioning is with the “bikini chick”. Was it necessary to dress or “not dress“ for the audition? She has a voice…completely unnecessary! She will not get my vote! Or Ashley who had to schmooze up to Simon Cowell by the song that he helped writing. She is good, no need for schmoozing to get into Hollywood.
*If you don’t know I have helped children at our church sing specials and I have lead worship now for 3 yrs, my question, why do people feel that they need to scream when they sing or use over the top facial expressions? I think people do not realize they are doing this or do realize but think doing so will help them get the golden ticket. A prime example was with was the Amazing Grace song sung on night 2…Amazing Grace should be a joyous song! He was butchering the song, making it sound so painful and depressing. My suggestion watch yourself by home video or in the mirror before you go on national tv, however, don't because then the auditions would not be as fun to watch.
Now who did you like the best, who they showed and got through to Hollywood week? Was it perhaps Emily the girl rocker; Arianna who developed a program Help Adopted Grand Friend; the gal Stevie 16 yrs old; Alex the guy who taught himself how to sing by singing in the closet, who also caused Simon and Randy to argue but still go through to Hollywood; Scott the legally blind guy who doesn’t allow his vision impairment to stop doing activities in life that he wants; Michael Castro, Jason Castro’s little brother (this time w. a little “attitude”); Matt, the welder, who had to put dreams on hold for family; Jessica, who cares for her elderly grandmother; India with the supporting sister; Lil, from Memphis with 3 children and hurrican survivor; or my personal favorite Danny who is in the music department of his church and unfortunately just recently lost his wife. To all mentioned I am looking to see what happens to your journey. This is just to name a few.
One final note at first when I heard there was going to be a new judge to the panel I did not know how that would go, however, she fits like a glove. It appears Kara might have some “Cat Fight” in her. Yes! Finally a girl who has some "fighting power words" instead of “nice rosy” words all the time. Sorry, Paula- love ya girl!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have a confession...

I have to admit something. Some people can relate while others would laugh and just roll their eyes. I have been doing something for the past 7 yrs and it just keeps coming every year so every year is a continued habit.
My habit fills me with all sort of emotions. It makes me laugh to see how silly people are, or how conceited people are, or just plain blind. It is like they just want to be abused.
I am filled with anticipation as each week narrows down the final two and I hold my breathe every finale.
Now I admit not every year has the person who I think deserves to win does in fact win. However, after the season it doesn't mean that the person's dream is over. Which I find exciting as I see their progression.
Luckily my husband watches with me so I do not feel all that guilty with my sin.
If you hear the names Kelly Clarkson, Clay and Reuben, Taylor Hicks, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtery, David Cook, ect...then you know what I am speaking of.
I am obsessed with the tv show American Idol. I have in fact watched every season, been to only one concert :( , but have over 10 different cds from the artists that have been on the show.
The 8th season starts tonite and I just cannot wait for it to get started!
Every week I will be on here blabbing about the past weeks episodes, regardless if it is about the judges or if it is about the competitors. If you watch the show feel free to give me your opinion also. Happy Idol watching!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Watcher of all Movies

You can ask anyone who knows me. I am a movie fan. In December of 2007 we were able to go to Hollywood and see the amazing sights that have been around since the "Golden Hollywood era" and are still there today.
The problem is we are not able to go to the movie theatres too often. Like many today being able to go the movies, roughly spending $9.00 on a ticket per person and then adding a snack and drink on top of that is an expense we are not able to account for in our budget. It has to be a special occassion or a special movie. There used to be a $1.50 movie theatre in our town, but sadly, that closed a while back. Then we had to go to renting movies. Which was not bad for a long time since new releases are out on dvd so quickly after just being in the theatres. (Thanks to whoever is in charge of that.) Recently though our local video store had to close it's doors due to the economy and other factors such as movie mailings and vending machines. I was not sure about either of those options. I liked my local video store. I could get 5 movies for 5 nights for only $5.00. Yeah you had to wait a little while until most of the community had seen those type of movies but in reality not too long. After they had to close I was at a lost as to what we were going to do. We tried the library and although they are free rentals, rarely do they have a good selection when you are there but also for some reason I would forget to return them. Now when I rented that never seemed to be an issue. I guess it is the way my mind is set up. So this weekend we went venturing into the world of the movie mailing companies. (You know of whom I speak.) I have found a new addiction. They have tons of movies on there you can brouse for hours on end, find movies that you did not expect to find, some you can even load to your computer and then play on your tv. We are on a 2 week trial period but I like it and it is not much more than I was paying before. I really feel this is going to be a good option for me. I am sorry for the local video companies that have to close their stores due to these type of companies but when there was no other options for me except for paying a lot to see very little I am grateful that there are companies such as "Netflix".

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How did I ever get so lucky?

Without my hubby by my side some days...
I don't know what I would do.
Love ya.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A day for me to look forward to...

and U2 fans everywhere!!! With much anticipation I have patiently waited and now...
U2 announces new album ‘No Line on the Horizon’
Will be released on Monday 2nd March, 2009

*info found on

Technology Helps Lost Connections

May be you have noticed...may be not. But I thank God for putting the advances of technology in the minds of the designers.
For just a brief moment lets think about "Facebook".
At first I was hesitant to sign up. However, I am thankful that I did. Millions of people can find others that they are friends and/or family with. I was able to reconnect with people that I have not heard from in years. Yesterday I got a chance to IM with one of these old childhood friends. We chatted for 3 hours and it was absolutely wonderful.
We also have the opportunity of emails, Blogs (something else I never thought of doing) and cellphones to get in contact with others.
I wonder without these type of technologies where we would be today.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Trying Something New

Did you watch on TV the show "Next Great American Band"? Dot, Dot, Dot was an established group that was on the show competing. We did watch the show and really enjoyed their music. Here is my story on how I took advantage of an opportunity and seized the moment.
While at The Farmer's Market I saw the lead singer of the group, Adam Blair. I actually felt star struck and approached him to ask for a picture. He was so nice and such a gentleman. He was as much struck and thankful for me approaching him as I was to his attitude towards a total stranger (me). Later on while we were still walking around the market we ran into the majority of the other band members. They were all so gracious and kind, having me take the whole groups photo. (If they ever see this... Thanks)
So here is my advice. If you ever get the opportunity to do something out of the ordinary, something you never thought you could do. Live life, to the fullest.

Dot, Dot, Dot

Me with Adam.
These are my pictures when I was on vacation in California.